A downloadable novel for Windows

Content Disclaimers:

Contains existential themes, mentions of suicide, violence between teenagers, non-consensual romantic behavior.  

A (1  hour estimated reading time) Kinetic Visual Novel with a psychological/thriller atmosphere.  Telling the story of two young teenagers who met up in the middle of the night while searching for fulfillment. 

Made for the Midnight Jam in two weeks: the theme was "Only I can see the monsters among us". Our spin on this was a story about a "monster" who only showed themselves to the protagonist. The plot also obeys a rule that it must mostly take place at night-time. It was developed in about two weeks, inspired by memories of unrestrained access to the internet as a child.

Resources are documented in the readme, as well as here.


Last Rodeo in Eden.zip 184 MB


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Really great story overall, keep it up!